Activities for families with children in Matera
Cosa fare e vedere a Matera con bambini: alcuni consigli per visitare la città dei Sassi in modo divertente per tutte famiglie in viaggio con i bimbi.
Where to park in Matera: public and private parking in the town
Free and paid parking spots in Matera to know if you’re planning to visit the town and you need useful information to find a park for your vehicle.
More connections to and from Matera
From 24 May 2019 the number of shuttles from Matera to Bari Airport and vice versa and from Matera to the Ferrandina railway station and vice versa is increased. The connection between Matera and Bari airport and vice versa is thus enhanced, with 24 total...
Cooking class in a noble palace in Matera
Amazing evening for 8 Norwegian friends who yesterday ventured to the stove with a well-known local chef, to prepare the typical dishes of the Matera cuisine. The common thread of the menu is the bread of Matera, from the first course to the dessert. We...